Friday, June 5, 2015


Hello beautiful memes,

As you may have noticed we've now done 2 updates with purely bug fixes, what you see on patchnotes is what you get, there isn't more to tell. Except I made the mistake and didn't put on the latest update (June 6th) that supercompost yield amounts are correctly fixed now. Within the next few days we'll see an update with 3 quests detailed below and more and more fixes and etc.

In terms of current dev work we have some exciting things going on (atleast for me and my nerd RFD shit)

-Troll Stronghold and Tourist Trap are in the works.
-Legends quest is around 80% done.

Left for RFD quest pre-reqs are:

-Fishing Contest
-Shadow of the Storm
-Desert Treasure
       -Digsite (Pre-req for Desert Treasure along with Tourist Trap)

After finishing up Legends as well as Creature of Fenkenstrain and Witch's house, I'll begin work on the DT track (starting with Digsite) along with Dio who is the one working on Tourist Trap. I HOPE to have this done by atleast the end of July if not faster, to then stay on track for RFD done before the end of summer. It's possible it won't happen as I'm just a guy, real life things pop up and I get busy and can't put neet-mode hours into coding for you all. But, I will do my best to stick to my word and get it rolling. Maybe we'll be the first server to have a 99% proper RFD with all the reqs (the final fight quest point requirement is pretty high at 175, we'll fall about 50 short of that at release, but will nerf it and move the req up as we go further), who knows.

I know a few of you are concerned about player counts as of late, but having been here for over a year and nearly since the very start of the server... don't worry about it! Player count fluctuates all over the place always and, while it may seem low to some of you compared to what it was a few months ago, believe me when I say that the player count is actually pretty decent. Last summer was when we weren't sure if the game was actually going to survive, player counts were struggling to get above 20-25 in peak times. As long as there are people wanting to play, the server will still exist.

Much love,

P.S. Here are some various Legends WIP snapshots:
(after much work)
(interested map difference, osrs on left)

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